Art&Science Open Day

Art&Science Open Day is a great opportunity to learn all about the program’s opportunities, admissions, new majors, and students’ firsthand experience!

Искусство и культура 16+

MSc in Art&Science at ITMO University is the first master’s program in art&science in Russia. The program gives opportunities to conduct research and create projects in the intersection of art, science, and technology and is based on the convergence of the latest achievements in the field of high tech and applied artistic practice.

In 2021, we’re introducing changes to the curriculum of the program by launching 3 majors curated by professional artists:

  • Technological art: towards a new intelligence
  • Digital Art: The New Spatial
  • Bioart: Biomedia and the new nature

We’re increasing a number of state-funded places of up to 32 and we’re offering scholarships for our international students.

Join Art&Science Open Day to learn more about these opportunities!


14.00-14.30 – Presentation by curators of Master’s program

14.30-14.45 – Q&A session

14.45-15.00 – Admissions information

15.00-15.30 – Students’ talk about the program



Aliya Sakhariyeva - the head of the Art&Science Center, ITMO University

Lina Kipriushina - a coordinator of the Art&Science Master’s program

Maria Kuptsova - a transdisciplinary artist and researcher exploring the new forms of technology, intelligence and aesthetics. Curator of the Art&Science major “Technological art: towards a new intelligence”, head of Design Innovation at itmotech, research associate at the University of Innsbruck and curator of –

Vadim Smakhtin - a creative engineer that works at the edges of the data visualization, urbanism, and virtual reality disciplines. Curator of the Art&Science major “Digital Art: The New Spatial”

Laura Rodriguez Torres - an independent artist, biotechnologist. Curator of the Art&Science major “Bioart: Biomedia and the new nature”, developer of sci-art popular workshops and interested in the empathy towards all the species

Working language – English. 

The Open Day will be held offline (venue: AIR gallery, Birzhevaya Liniya, 16) & online. 

Offline attendance at the event is only possible if you have personal respiratory protection equipment (hygiene masks).

Contact us:

See you soon!


1493 дня назад
13 февраля 2021 14:00–15:30

Арт-резиденция AIR, Биржевая линия, 16 (вход со стороны Биржевого переулка)
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